About Us
We deliver high-quality schaft services with the highest safety standards and an easy to work with attitude.
We take full responsibility for getting the most challenging jobs right. Always.
We aim to be a globally recognized partner for schaft solutions and workplace for the best in the industry, with sustainable operations and a leading role in creating safe mining and infrastructure projects. Everywhere.
Founded in 2011 in Kiruna, Sweden
Started operations with RBM Rhino 1298DC in 2012 with two contracts for LKAB
First RBM Rhino 2000DC arrived in 2015
Second RBM Rhino 2000DC arrived in 2016
The RBM Epiroc 123RH arrived in 2018
RBM Rhino 400H arrived in 2019
Orefields joined as a new player in Raise boring in 2011. With hand-picked employees with long and international experience, the company quickly became a new option for performing Raise drilling services with assignments in mining, hydropower and infrastructure supply
Silo storage Stockholm, 2013
Storage silos for wood chips in Värtahamnen, 3m diameter and 40m length.
Ventilation shafts LKAB Gällivare, 2016-2017
Various ventilation shafts in 5m diameter and 71 degrees inclination.
Downreaming shafts LKAB Kiruna, 2017-2018
Downreaming 2,4m in diameter to connect new ore passes to existing ore passes.
Posiva Onkalo final deposit, 2017-2018
Canister shafts for transport of final deposit canisters. 4 vertical shafts with a length of 81-141m and 5,5m in diameter with RVDS.
AEF ventilation shafts, 2018-2019
Ventilation shafts and paste hole for deeper mining. 4 ventilation shafts from 95-685m in 4,1m diameter and one paste hole.
Outokumpu Chrome ventilation shafts, 2018-2021
Ventilation shafts for deeper mining. 18 ventilation shafts from 45-589m in 3,5-4,5m diameter and 60-90 degrees inclination.
LKAB Kiruna, Raiseboring, Downreaming and Ore passes, 2018-Present
Various ventilation shafts and ore passes in 3,1m diameter and downreaming in 2,4m diameter.
Boliden Mineral Renström, Media holes, 2021
Two media holes (Ø0,66m) for dewatering. One 766m long hole from surface with only 12cm deviation and one 75m hole connecting underground.
SKB Äspö, Downreaming slots (Ø1,7m) for final deposit capsules, 2021-2022