Posiva Onkalo final deposit, 2017-2018

Background to the project: This was part of a project to create canister shafts for the final disposal of radioactive waste from the nuclear power plant. Shaft: 4 shafts between 81-141m, 5.5m in diameter carried out with controlled drilling (RVDS). Performed by rig: Rhino 2000

LKAB Gällivare 2016–2017

Background to the project:LKAB expands the ventilation in the Vitåfors mine. Shaft:4 ventilation shafts of 5m in diameter, 71 degree slope Performed by rig:Rhino 2000

Silo storage Stockholm 2013

Background to the project: The host port needed storage shafts for wood chips. Shaft: 1st 40m shaft, 3m in diameter. Performed by rig: Rhino 1298